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What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Here we will give you a technical overview of Artificial Intelligence. Basically, AI is a field of computer science where the use of code and math allows the software to behave in a way that demonstrates intelligence when faced with complex problems. There are different branches of AI, such as Deep learning, Machine learning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP), although many of these fields can overlap. Also, certain uses for AI may apply only to images and visual graphics processing, whereas other AI-based algorithms process raw data such as numbers or raw machine code, known as binary data. In summary, AI enables computer-driven machines to learn, quickly evaluate scenarios, adapt, and make decisions, and compute results. AI can be smart and intelligent, learning from success and past mistakes. A key feature of automated AI trading, compared to merely automating something, such as forex robots, is the ability to understand which are the best and worst decisions to be made, for a given task and data set. In other words, our AI trading system can learn and quickly adapt itself to improve its trading performance. Our AI is also able to draw predictions about the near future, based on specific historical data, such as analyzing weather data or forex trading patterns. You can check all trades made by our AI and see how it performs in forex here. Unlike humans or other technological resources, AI can make an enormous amount of accurate decisions in a fraction of the time, down to milliseconds. These skills make AI a very powerful tool for use in forex trading. Depending on the structure of the math algorithms used with AI, certain calculations can be made in linear time, compared to exponential time, often referred to as Big-O notation. Here is an example of various problems that AI can tackle and their respective Big-O notation. It’s quite technical, but when using our AI trading system you do not need to concern about these complex things: Certain operations can take much longer even when using AI, depending on whether the problem can be considered to require O(n!) computations or possibilities to go through, compared to a faster operation such as O(n). Of course, the machinery used also matters for a given AI-powered system, such as the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM), and the speed of your Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), including the number of core processors available and the ability to parallel process data. Furthermore, there can be a huge difference in speed if you are running low-level code on the command line, compared to having to use a third-party platform or at the application level. AfoInvest has taken steps to help ensure that the AI trading system can handle a multitude of circumstances in the financial market, regardless of the amount of tick data that we are analyzing from the forex market.